What’s Your Favorite Digital Platform?
This week we attended an Arts Marketing Association seminar on Digital Identity (#ama_voice on Twitter) led by digital engagement consultant Abhay Adhikari. Among many interesting group tasks and discussions on how to build an effective online presence, we were polled for our views on the best and most relevant digital platforms for arts professionals. Looking at the answers (storified below), Twitter easily trumps Facebook for relevance and quality of engagement.
Yes, Facebook is still a juggernaut and a useful visual platform, but the problem with Facebook for us? We don’t get to pick what we see in our feeds, and these are getting increasingly dumbed down thanks to endless ads and promoted posts. Facebook is growing “more tired, less wired” every day.
Do you still use Facebook as a major platform for your business? What is your social platform of choice? Tweet us your own views @lumelabs.